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4 Tips for Tackling String Art

You have all of your materials for your string art project, now what? The next step is to put all of your materials together tocreate your very own string art design. We understand that approaching a new project can be difficult. To help you out, we’ve highlighted four tips for tackling string art. You’ll quickly realize that once you start, it’s hard to stop.

Be Patient

If you think you’ll be able to sit down and knock out this project in a couple of minutes, you’re sadly mistaken. Quality creations take time. Start by giving yourself the time and space needed to complete your project. Expect to encounter a few hurdles along the way but don’t allow them to discourage you. Meeting and overcoming obstacles are apart of the creative process. Embrace them and grow from the experience.

Commit Yourself

Don’t flake on your string art project. You ordered your kit because you were intrigued by the design and wanted to create one for yourself. Stick to your word and see yourself through the entirety of your DIY project. There is no better feeling than seeing what you worked so hard for come to fruition.

Take a Break

While it is important to commit yourself, it is equally important that you take necessary breaks. Doing any one activity for an extended period can be unhealthy, especially when that activity requires all of your focus. You may want to complete the string art creation all in one go, but a break can be exactly what you need to keep going. Find a snack to eat or go outside to absorb some rays, just don’t forget to come back and finish your string art masterpiece!

Have Fun

Above all, have fun! You’re not writing an essay, you’re creating string art. Get loose and have fun with it. Use the colors in crazy ways, add your creative touch, or just have a blast following the instructions. The easiest way to do so is to do string art with a group of friends. You all can bring your string art kits together and enjoy an afternoon of crafting. Who knows, you might start a new ritual.

String of the Art has made string art accessible to the masses with DIY string art kits. They come equipped with a hammer, nails, embroidery floss, step-by-step instructions, and a pattern for you to follow. All you have to do is open the kit and start crafting! What are you waiting for? Browse our many string art designs andplace your order today!
